The Ziblim Dynasty

by F.K. Offin, Esq.

1. Their march is vivacious, 

So is the might of their persons;

No mighty tree withstood them, Nay,

Not even the giant baobab tree;

Their hand conquered the desert,

And drank water from the root of the baobab.

Source: Francesco Ungaro/Pexels

2. Their souls adventure beyond the arid plains,

Yes, beholding the tropical trees of the middelbelt;

Their relevance is hardworking, 

And their mantra is to do exploit;

Majesty is in their blood, and 

Royalty is in their ways.

3. Hope pad on the hoof of their services,

And on royal horses they ride;

Ride, rise, ride and rise they roll on,

Northernwards to the Southerndown;

This is the move of the Ziblims.

Source: Helena Lopes/Pexels



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