The End of the Age

by F. K. Offin, Esq.

Source: Pexels/Ekaterina Astakhova

1. Foundations will be overturned:

Pillars dislodged, records obliterated;

Breath short of life, life in need of breath,

Need forgotten and urgency abandons ambitions,

Chaotic yet divine mandate unfolds,

Man withholds no more yet craves for a holding,

Time ceases and time is seized.

Source: Pexels/Brett Sayles

2. A Hand flips the new page, a new age is born,

Meaning is renewed and life is born anew;

Past deeds weighed and the present holds no deeds,

All is already done, all is already recorded;

Now you stand before Him, your human age ended,

The White Throne is radiant and the Seat of Judgment set,

Man is mortal and immortality is divine.

(15-12-2022) @2:57pm to 3:27pm.


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