My Heart’s Joy

by F.K. Offin, Esq.

Source: Lies/Pexels

1. Count me twice and you will see us as One,

Count the first one and the second will be same as the first One;

She made two as One comforting,

She makes the One family enchanting;

For she is lovely and she makes happiness welcoming,

For this, I am grateful.

Source: PhotoMIX Company/Pexels

2. Clouds gathered and my root was young,

You provided much soil of patience for my stable growth;

Your understanding became my stability,

And your warmth gave me a tough skin for thick and thin days ahead;

You became and is my stable friend.

For this, you are my best friend.

3. When all seems to sap my energy away, there stands your calmness,

The serenity of your soul heals my perplexity;

Your never-getting-angry posture makes me long home,

The home that you keep moulding as home for us.

For this, I love you!

Source: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

4. Your careful heart teaches our children daily,

And your hands never bend away from hardwork;

Kindly defined, motherly loving,

Why won’t Mr. Bediako love you more, Mrs. Bediako.



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