The Honour Done My Soul

by F. K. Offin, Esq.

Source: Pexels/Alex Conchillos
  1. Such tattered emotions with no purity in me,

Cumbered me with much weariness than joy;

Covered me in gloom with no hope to behold,

Mercilessly drained me out by flood of sin.

2. This soul of mine was on the perilous path,

Crying within and without and help forsook me;

Thoughts twisted, soul bleeding, warmth abides no more,

Darkness reigned and evil made plans for destruction;

Until I heard and saw the echoes of His love for the lost.

3. Mightily the LORD’s Word came to my searching soul,

Visiting my soul by swift whirlwind Message;

“Save my soul, LORD Jesus,” I prayed, and

Oh suddenly, this Honour was done my soul.

Source: Pexels/Pixabay



#inspired from reading and meditating on Isaiah Chapter 5 NLT at 1pm to 2pm.

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