The Birth of Christ

by F. K. Offin, Esq.

Source: Pexels/Phuc Tran


His appearing was announced before hand,

The wise men sought to understand when and how;

Children and the aged longed for His birth,

This Mighty One, this Gracious One,

The ever-loving Child was expected,

Even time was growing anxious of His noble birth, alas.

Source: Pexels/Pixabay


Hosts of heavenly angles assembled,

With joyous anticipation Angel Gabriel gave Mary the Message,

Each angel thought it as a privilege to see God as Man,

Mr. Joseph loved the Child from heaven, 

Aye, heaven smiled at humanity,

Goodness came down to heal the earth 🌎.


Oh, this is the Merciful One,

Oh, this is the Compassionate One, 

Oh, this is the God of Love,

Oh, this is the Sovereign One,

Oh, this is the Mighty One,

Oh, this is the King of kings,

Oh, this is the Saviour of all,

Well, the Christ at Birth is my LORD JESUS. 

Sunday, 09-10-2022 @1:30pm to 1:47pm.


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