Behind The Scenes: How to Successfully Navigate Life

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees
Photo by James Wheeler on


We all desire to be successful in life. Who would not want to go behind the scenes to find out how to successfully navigate life?

However, being successful is easier said than done as there are so many challenges in every aspect of our lives.

Challenges of Life

At the family level, we face challenges of sibling rivalry and handling the generational gap between us and our parents. We also experience the challenges of parenting.

In our relationships, we face misunderstandings with our friends such as dealing with toxic friends. We also handle the highs and lows of falling in love, unrequited love and infidelity from lovers, among others.

At the workplace, we face fierce competition from colleagues. Some colleagues may engage in sinister plots to orchestrate our downfall, as it is a dog eat dog world. In their quest to climb the corporate ladder, some people stop at nothing, even if it involves questionable tactics. Survival of the fittest, they self-righteously claim.

In our finances, we face the challenge of making ends meet with our scarce, limited resources.

Generally, we face the challenges of enduring the pressures of life.

Ways to Successfully Navigate Life

So given the challenges above, how do we successfully navigate life in a bid to be more productive?

  1. Know your purpose in life.
  2. Live by a firm set of moral principles.
  3. Effectively prioritise your needs and wants.
  4. Practise good time management.
  5. Have emotional intelligence.
colorful cutouts of the word purpose
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Purpose in Life

When we know our purpose in life we are not swayed by the various challenges that we face. We rather focus on achieving our purpose.

For instance, if you are a born teacher, you keep on teaching despite the fact that some students may be very difficult to teach. You do not move on to another career path, just because that is more convenient.

This is because teaching fills your soul with a sense of accomplishment and makes you feel that you are doing what you were placed on earth to do. You therefore become very productive in that area as you are naturally endowed for it.


When we live by a firm set of moral principles, we do not choose the easy way out of complex situations. For instance, we would not cheat in an examination in order to score high marks. Neither would we steal money or embezzle funds because life is tough and we have to make ends meet.

We rather ensure that our life is structured by our principles of integrity, hard work, reliability, respect, etc.

These moral principles guide our choices in life. We have a clear conscience when we practise these principles. We therefore become more motivated and we increase our productivity.

Prioritisation of Needs and Wants

We need to first of all know the difference between our needs and wants and then prioritise them accordingly. When we effectively distinguish between our needs and wants, we then know how to manage our limited financial resources.

We therefore spend on our needs, which are necessary and essential. We do so rather than spend on our wants, which are superfluous, and our mainly to satisfy our ego.

As such, we are not drawn into unnecessary debt which can put undue pressure on us in our lives. We rather practise good financial management. This leads to productivity in the financial aspect of our lives. When we are financially stable, we have the peace of mind to be productive in other areas of our lives.

analog clock on wooden table
Photo by Tara Winstead on

Time Management

Good time management is key to being productive in life. Since time is a limited resource, we should know how to use it effectively. We can do this by prioritising our activities and knowing what we should delegate.

As said by Lee Iacocca, “If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got!”

We can therefore personally attend to crucial activities which are best handled by us and delegate other less important activities to others to handle. When we are able to efficiently supervise those delegated activities, this saves time and results in effective time management. This, in turn, leads to productivity.

Emotional Intelligence

We may define emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage and handle emotions. We require emotional intelligence in every aspect of our lives.

For instance, in parenting, we should manage our anger and not be too harsh on our children when they do the wrong thing. This is because when we are to harsh on them, they are likely to rebel.

In matters of the heart, if we are not emotionally resilient, a heartbreak can result in us ending up at a psychiatric hospital.

We also require emotional intelligence at the workplace. It helps us to handle pressures of work such as meeting impending deadlines and dealing with difficult colleagues and demanding superiors. With emotional resilience, we do not succumb to stress and break down or give up. Rather, we plod on and give our all.

We also effectively manage our emotions and keep things professional at the workplace rather than getting involved in quarrels and fights. Emotional resilience also prevents us from engaging in unnecessary competition and rivalry.

At the end of the day, despite having the requisite knowledge in our field or technical skill in our vocation, emotional intelligence will determine how productive we are and how far we can go.

My painting below, which is acrylic on canvas, seeks to depict life with its twists and turns, its highs and lows and its gains and losses. Sometimes, a path we take may end in a cul-de-sac and we need to re-navigate. We can also experience an unexpected loss which can challenge the very core of our existence.

We should however remember that, like night and day, there is always a rebirth and hope for the future.

abstract art showing navigation of life

Source: Heimarts

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29 thoughts on “Behind The Scenes: How to Successfully Navigate Life

  • June 18, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    This is an awesome and excellent post of the realities in life and what we need in order to keep persevering.

    I really enjoyed reading this there is so much truths in your words.❤

  • June 3, 2023 at 12:44 am

    Having sound moral principles is definitely important. Without it we will take actions that hurt us and others in the process. Great post 🙂

  • June 1, 2023 at 4:39 pm

    When I was little, I liked to read. Until 30, I found out I liked to read English novels, after struggling for jobs after jobs for the purpose of money. At 33, in May, I found out my purpose was being a writer. A fact I’ve denied to admit because I never expect to make money, afford at least a sandwich on the table, or buy gifts for my parents through writing. I’ll be unemployed. So many writers say their work was created after a full-time job, but I knew that my first time reading a book written in English “The Old Man and the Sea” was at age 30. My priority of having a life with a purpose was read, take online classes, and read more. And appreciate any one who likes my work, even there’s only one.

    • June 1, 2023 at 4:47 pm

      But you’re doing very well. Amazing to hear you read your first English book at 30! Keep it up! Practice makes perfect! 👍

      • June 3, 2023 at 7:15 am

        Thank you, Heidi. I’m so happy to know a person from Ghana. I once saw on YouTube people eat Guanaian roast chicken, looks so yummy!!!

  • May 30, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    I have observed that Life is anything but constant ups and downs; things don’t always pan out the way you plan. Will a well navigated life earn me a constant up in life and guarantee eternity?

    • May 30, 2023 at 9:00 pm

      I’m afraid it won’t as life also consists of night and day. As such, I don’t think it’s possible to have a constant up. As for eternity, that is entirely spiritual, and by grace.

  • May 29, 2023 at 3:10 pm

    Navigating through life… being ‘successful’……. very interesting and thought-provoking concepts. The question is where are you going, since the many roads being travelled on by the many people may not take you to YOUR destination. Being ‘successful’ in life is therefore a relative concept as it nay mean different destinations/things to different people. For some, real success comes from outward manifestations of triumphs and accomplishments. While to others, success IS AN INNER FEELING comes from within/within……a deep feeling of satisfaction, of contentment……a concept found within.

    Each of us has to find our space in place and time because each of us has our assigned race and destination. We surely are not running the same RACE and headed for the same destination. And thank you for reminding us – PURPOSE! We all have our different races/purposes to run/to fulfil and dance acts to perform according to the rhythm of the drum being played by the Most High. At this stage, things will fall into place and life will be meaningful. Till then, it is only a pointless chasing of the wind, a typical rat race which will amount to NOTHING…..just a huffing and puffing routine of NOTHINGNESS

    • May 29, 2023 at 5:24 pm

      Very pertinent question: “Where are you going?” As you noted, being successful in life is indeed a relative concept as we are not running the same race nor are we headed for the same destination. Thanks so much for your comments!

  • May 28, 2023 at 7:04 am

    Great life lessons. I wish I had the opportunity of reading this many years previous. It would have given me a better understanding earlier, of the many experiences I came across. All the same it is better late than never. Still have some miles ahead of me. Thank you as always

    • May 28, 2023 at 7:11 am

      You’re most welcome. And true, better late than never!

    • June 2, 2023 at 3:09 pm

      Very inspiring article.A must read for the youth.Congrats.

  • May 27, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Always enjoy reading your articles . If nothing at all, I have learned to
    1.Know your purpose in life.
    2.Live by a firm set of moral principles.
    3.Effectively prioritise your needs and wants.
    4.Practise good time management.
    5.Have emotional intelligence.
    Thanks and my best regards

  • May 26, 2023 at 8:21 pm

    Ease is the state of being very comfortable and able to live as you want, without any worries or problems. The trick to making life less difficult, and less stressful, is to choose what you do want instead: joy, focus, creativity, peace, competence, achievement. By focusing on the positive and what we do want, it becomes clearer what we need to do to get there. And, of course, less stressful!.
    Staying calm allows us to think logically and make decisions accordingly. A sense of calm offers us strength and resilience amid the chaos of life.
    ez (sha’anan, shal’anan, chiefly, “at ease”): Used 19 times in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament, most frequently meaning tranquillity, security or comfort of mind; in an ethical sense, indicating carelessness or indifference with reference to one’s moral or religious interests
    The prophet Jeremiah used the phrase as an indication of national or tribal indifference:
    “Moab hath been at ease from his youth” (Jeremiah 48:11); “I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease” (Zechariah 1:15). Frequent allusions are made also by various prophets to individuals or groups of individuals, as “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1); “Rise up, ye women that are at ease” (Isaiah 32:9), and “Tremble, ye women that are at ease” (Isaiah 32:11).
    The word in another form is used also in a verbal sense and to apply to physical ease and comfort, as “My couch shall ease my complaint” (Job 7:13 compare especially 2 Chronicles 10:4,9). Simple mental tranquillity or peace of mind is also expressed by it (Jeremiah 46:27).
    The single instance of its use in the New Testament is illustrative of its figurative but most common usage in the Old Testament, where it refers to moral indifference in the parable of the Rich Fool:
    “Soul …. take thine ease, eat, drink, be merry” (Luke 12:19).
    Follow these seven tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:
    Eat nourishing food. …
    Sleep seven to eight hours per night. …
    Keep company with good people. …
    Avoid news overdose. …
    Get regular exercise. …
    Do something meaningful each day.
    In conclusion life is very complicated, with lot’s of characters and challenges. Your submission is on point and will guide lot’s of people. Congrats 👏 and thank you dear

    • May 26, 2023 at 8:22 pm

      Thanks so much for your comments. Most appreciated!

  • May 26, 2023 at 7:53 pm

    Another great piece! Thanks so much for the inspiration.

      • May 28, 2023 at 3:23 pm

        In trying to maintain discipline, show respect for authority, be kind to everyone and exhibit emotional control has made me enjoy lots of peace of mind and successes. These essential qualities help me to be mindful of every action I take and to feel content when I carry them out.
        Thanks for the knowledgeable piece, Madam!

        • May 28, 2023 at 3:46 pm

          Yes, very essential qualities. You are most welcome.

          • June 2, 2023 at 12:07 pm

            Great article

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