by F.K. Offin, Esq.

Source: VectorStock

1. The thickest saw the force,

His might pushed through with exerted energy;

His body quaked but had he any rest? Nay!

Hope appeared as sunlight,

And a father held up that light of his presence valiantly.

2. Burned-out by work, burnt by sun,

Buffeted by difficulties, triumphing at the end;

Wielding the arduous task of a pathfinder,

Needed to be the blueprint;

Leading the march of sunlight,

And a father hoisted the flag of responsibility.

Source: Jonathan Petersson/Pexels

3. A brick laid, another atop,

On the soldiering, up the expectations;

Clear the distractions, maintain the course;

A father’s vision ushers in sunlight,

Under it, every seedling at home flourishes.

4. His voice goes out to come in,

And faithful instructions adorn the home;

Eyes more than eagles screen their ways,

And all the children are led on gratefully;

His life oils the wheels as a rising sunlight,

And this guidance is the shield of fatherhood.



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