I have always been interested in the concept of geometric shapes. Occasionally, you will find me doodling with my pencil on a piece of paper. It usually happens when I am deep in thought. It is also a means of stress relief.
I am also attracted to the organised structure and uniformity that a pattern of geometric shapes represents. I view the organised structure and uniformity as showing discipline, which, in turn, leads to achievement. As such, a pattern of geometric shapes could symbolise the relationship between organised structure, uniformity and discipline, which ultimately results in achievement.
On the other hand, could an organised structure and uniformity lead to rigidity? When we think in terms of boxes and patterns and we expect everybody to behave in a uniform way, do we not run the risk of being close-minded? This sort of thinking stifles diversity and creativity and hinders progress.
The solution is to acknowledge the discipline of organised structure and uniformity, while recognising the need for diversity and uniqueness, in order to arrive at a balanced whole.
When we have geometric shapes in different sizes and different colours, we see the beauty of uniformity and diversity. Whereas the geometric shapes reflect uniformity, the different sizes and different colours reflect diversity. This comes together to create a diversified whole.
We thus achieve synergy, whereby the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
I made a painting of geometric shapes in different sizes and different colours to bring out this concept.

First of all, I covered the edge of the canvas with painter’s tape. This was to ensure that the edges would be white when I had finished the painting and removed the tape.
I then painted the canvas with a muted colour. I was not sure whether I would fill in the empty spaces and I didn’t want the canvas to be white and look unfinished.
I then drew various geometric shapes on the canvas with a pencil. I used circular objects to trace the circles and a ruler to draw the squares, rectangles, triangles and other geometric shapes.

At this point, I started painting the various geometric shapes colour by colour. There was no formula here. I just selected a few different geometric shapes to paint blue.

Further, I painted another group of geometric shapes mauve and yet another group of shapes, green. It seemed that the painting was gradually coming to life. At this point, I was musing over what the final colour for the remaining geometric shapes should be.
Yay! I decided on yellow, which was my favourite colour as a child. I also decided to use black to accentuate the various lines and gaps in between the geometric shapes in order to make them more pronounced.

I finally got to the end of it all! I could now remove the painter’s tape.

And, here we are! A diversified whole!
Would you want to try your hands at painting? I use acrylic paints which give a good finish. Kindly check out the Caliart Acrylic Paint Set with 12 Brushes, 24 Colors as shown below. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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