5 simple things that most people don’t understand

What’s something most people don’t understand?

There are some simple things that we expect most people to understand, which they, unfortunately, don’t. Shall we name five of these?

1. The Need for Solitude

Most people don’t understand that we all need some solitude occasionally, although introverts may need it more than extroverts. Solitude is different from loneliness in that it is a choice to be alone without feeling lonely.

The benefits of solitude include a burst in creativity, the peace and quiet that you need for reflection, and the practice of self-sufficiency.

2. The Necessity of a Plan B or a Contingency Plan

Another thing that most people don’t understand is the necessity of a Plan B or a contingency plan. Most people rather go by the mantra, “All or nothing!” However, how practical is this? When your Plan A fails, what happens next? Should you lift up your hands in despair?

Isn’t it more practical to have a Plan B or a contingency plan? Doesn’t that make you more flexible and less prone to the disappointment that a failed project causes? A few people go further to advocate pessimism as it makes you more prepared to deal with the aftermath of unexpected results.

colorful cutouts of the word purpose
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

3. The Power of Purpose

The power of purpose is also another thing that most people don’t understand. However, as they say, when you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. Without a purpose, we just coast through life without making any mark or achieving our full potential. Unfortunately, most people see nothing wrong with this. Nor do they see the need for a purpose-driven life.

May we, on the other hand, strive to find our purpose and maximize our lives.

4. The Essence of Preparation

Even though we all know of the adage, “Practice makes perfect,” most people don’t understand or value the essence of preparation. They rather prefer to rely on luck with respect to the delivery of a task.

However, adequate preparation leads to efficiency. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Moreover, continuous preparation results in excellence. Will Durant, the American historian and philosopher, thus said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

5. The Vanity of Life

The philosopher in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 1, verse 14 in the Bible describes everything done in the world as vanity and like chasing the wind.

Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the vanity of life. We become so materialistic that we forget that we are a-passing through this earth. At the end of the day, we can not take any of our possessions away with us when it is time to leave this earth. It is important for us to remember that life is transient and to rather focus on how to make life worth living.

Can you think of any more things that most people don’t understand? Kindly add to the list by commenting. You may comment by clicking on the chat icon beneath the heading.

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