
by Francis K. Offin, Esq.

Symbol of Obuasi Mine – Miners’ Roundabout


Obuasi, Obuasi, Obuasi

The Golden City adored,

Obuasi, my beloved  City,

A city once painted with dust and untarred roads,

A city that embraced its work with dirt,

Obuasi, my beloved City now woes me,

Obuasi thrills my formative boyhood,

A dream I want to see happen,


Let the dusty roads be tarred,

Let the City be rewarded with the beauty of its gold,

Let not the City endure in vain,

Depart not from under the huge rocks, oh gold;

Rinse yourself and come out purer and purer,

Clean poverty from the city and honour the people,

Let not A.G.C. Hospital be burdened,

Let Edwin Cade Memorial Hospital do well,


When Wawasi calls answer speedily,

When Tutuka cries, dry up the tears,

When Kiriki roars, change their bewildering,

When Antobuasi sells, make Central valuable,

When Anyinam draws well, let the water be clean,

Make them as enviable as Toytown, Tiny Rowland, Bruno, Precious, S.J. Estate,

Let your gold lift all with estates to hold,

Obuasi, Obuasi, my beloved City.

By Francis K. Offin, Esq.

[07-06-2024 @6:51pm to 7:27pm]

Creator: Philip Mostert, Copyright: Image © Anglogold Ashanti 2019

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