How to Acknowledge My Most Influential Teachers

girl in pink dress drawing on a blackboard
Photo by Yan Krukau on

Who was your most influential teacher? Why?

My most influential teacher? Well, quite a number of teachers come to mind.

Nursery School

First and foremost, my most influential teacher would be my nursery school teacher, Miss Mary, of blessed memory. She was so patient and caring. She also had time for each child in the nursery. As such, she was always at hand to stop petty fights, wipe away tears and offer a cookie to calm our nerves. I still remember her warm, broad smile and her welcoming arms. We looked forward to going to school each day because of her caring nature.

Class 6

Then there was Mrs. D., my class 6 school teacher. She was a no-nonsense woman. Hence, she made sure that fooling in class was kept to the barest minimum. You were sure to get a rap on your knuckles with her ruler if you were found to be slacking.

Although she would occasionally tell a joke or two, quoting the first line of the poem, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” she would bring us back to the subject matter at hand by quoting with relish the second stanza of the poem which is, “All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.” This would be followed by a firm, “Now let’s get back to our books!”

assorted books on book shelves
Photo by Element5 Digital on

Form 1

There was also my English teacher in secondary school when I was in Form 1, Sir B., of blessed memory too. He was the most principled of all my teachers. I remember him a lot because he encouraged me to work consistently and to aspire to greater heights. His mantra was this quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

The heights by great men reached, and kept,

Were not attained by sudden flight,

But they, while their companions slept,

Were toiling upward in the night.”

Form 3

Additionally, my Fine Arts teacher in Form 3 in secondary school deserves a special acknowledgement when I consider the list of teachers who have taught me in the past. Sir T., as we affectionately called him, encouraged creative expression in art. He always used to say, “Life is short but art is long.”

He therefore patiently took us through the rudiments of sculpture, pottery, basketry, weaving, still-life paintings, figure painting and abstract painting. Through this therefore, I developed an affinity for abstract painting and I paint occasionally, as shown in a sample below: Thanks for your instruction, sir!

abstract painting inspired by teachers


I can not forget to mention Dr. L., my lecturer in Spanish at the university. He was mild-mannered and yet very firm. He encouraged us to ask questions in class and would prompt you with, “Señorita”? (that is, “Miss”?). Through his style of teaching, I developed a keen interest in Spanish and I gained a scholarship to attend a one month summer course in Spanish Language and Literature in Madrid, Spain. I am most grateful, sir!

Language Institute

Last but not the least is Mr O., my lecturer at the School of Translators at the Ghana Institute of Languages. He had such a pleasant personality and made learning a joy. Whenever someone got a translation right, he would shout, “Beau, beau, BEAUTIFUL!” What a cheerleader! With such positivity, what would make you want to fail in his class?

I am very grateful to all my teachers for their input in my life. May God bless them all!

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5 thoughts on “How to Acknowledge My Most Influential Teachers

  • August 12, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    Wow 😍, this was so interesting. I love the painting

  • August 11, 2024 at 2:38 pm

    You were so blessed to have so many great teachers that influenced you. I had a Math teacher in high school who was always encouraging. Also a English teacher who was so sweet and helped find my love of writing❤️

    • August 11, 2024 at 2:40 pm

      Yes, I was indeed! I’m happy to hear that you had two such teachers. They really make a difference in our lives. Thanks so much for commenting! 🙏


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