Till Accomplished

by Francis K. Offin Esq.

photo of mountain during dawn
Photo by Hert Niks on Pexels.com
  1. They are yours for the taking,

    And you are invited by destiny,

    Chunk out your apportioned portion,

    Clockwise the discovery, and

    Defeat the anticlockwise distraction,

    2. You are welcome to endure, aye!

      Your taking pages, let them not fold up,

      Open them on and let your expectations live,

      Read it alive and lo, your energy is focused,

      3. Oh mine, oh mine, up the hill, up, up the hill,

        The chase is over and the charge is on,

        On, on, the longing and on, on the expectation,

        Mingling with mission and merging with destiny,

        person rock climbing
        Photo by Анна Рыжкова on Pexels.com

        4. Ceasing not to forge on, giving in not an option,

          And jumping over not out of fear, but of fervor,

          Out of abundance of mighty, force the vision through,

          Make the eyes full of light and radiate the vision wide,

          5. Abase not, abide yes in that which cannot be abandoned,

            Cure ignobility by the glory of your exceptionalism,

            Count me in, discount me not – I am wielding diligence,

            Connected with me, is the fullest expression of glory,

            6. Minding everything that comes in, yet not distracted,

              Never bogged down by the reasons of difficulties –

              Man up and churn it out like milk for the toddling dream,

              All would be understood – bitter made sweet,

              7. No tearing in the rain, no shedding tears  to cover grief,

                Uncover the joy – see the place, the mission arena,

                Hush in and hush out – see the place, the vision plane,

                Breathe in destiny – see the place, the layers are well made.

                By Francis K. Offin Esq.


                [1st July, 2024]

                photo of clouds during daytime
                Photo by Fillipe Gomes on Pexels.com
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